Friday, July 15, 2022

America From Two Different view Points : Is There A Difference?

This WNBA star demanded that the national anthem not be played at games where she played basketball and made $millions of dollars. She has hate for the very source of her income that she surely enjoys taking from a foolish public that come to see her play in America.  (Oh, and why don't the fans in Russia step forward and defend her? It's the law in Russia! Who cares about the law, right?)

But now she must wonder when that hateful nation she as so willingly denounced will rescue her from her own shortcomings being addition to drugs and complete ignorance of reality.

Again, why should we care what happens to her?

It appears the good life has rotted her judgement and intellect.

When everything is coming up roses, taking the
money and running is so much fun putting
 the mouth on a country has given you everything.
Screw you America, I got mine!!!

Right on, there isn't much difference here between these
two contemptuous bastards!

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