Saturday, July 30, 2022

Joe Takes a Knee In The Middlewest : Climate Change For Success!?

 Pivot time again to try and fool the public that climate change is the most important factor that will destroy our country and the world. In reality, most everyone knows it's the democraaats and their policys that are destroying our American dream for living a safe and fruitful life, raising a family and establishing a future.

With democraaats in control, everyone is doomed for failure except the elites that are at the levers of power. They are of course will live the good life. Remember it's their birthright!

No it's not Miller Time, it's time to pivot away from watching
our country establishing third world status! Thanks Joe and the
Marxist liberated democraaats. Ignorance and hate rules the day!

And who did their civil duty and elected Joe Biiyden
to lead our country into a sewer of failure?

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