Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Our Government Is The Danger: Civil Society Is At Risk!

 This would be really funny except for the matter of our country is latterly being destroyed. This is not conjecture but a fact. We are being attacked at all levels of our civil society. 

January 6th hearings are about what and when a ''insurgency' took place. In really, what the January 6th commission is doing is what a real insurgency looks like. Remember, when the Marxist democraaats shout about how Republicans are destroying democracy, it's really what the democraaats are actually doing to gain an advantage.

It works every time!

Also, I have to repay this short phrase describing what is taking place in Washington from the 6 th committee witch hunt, 

''When confronted by an insurgency, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are paralyzed by it!''

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