Friday, July 29, 2022

The Marxist democraaats Have A Plan : Everything Must Be destroyed!

The fear of the democrats is real and total. They know this November will end of their grip on power is near and they know they have no options for doing anything to make America a better place to live and work.  

So, they must try and do as much damage as they can making it as hard as possible to fix the damage they are causing everywhere domestically and in foreign policy! The country will be in crisis!

And then if the Republicans win in November, the Marxist democraaats will chank up the hate machine at all levels of communication to vilifying them as monsters; burning cites, looting and murdering people in the street! (They are doing that now as a warning of more to come!)

Remember what the democraaats did in the summer of 2020? ''See, look what the Republicans are doing to our country!!''

The democraaats have no options other then destroy the country
as founded. Maybe this was the intent all along. They have on
options so the make it clear they must use violence to save the
country for the ignorance of the people!

Joe real talent is ''hands on'' the innocent and
disadvantaged! An entire career based on this

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