Friday, July 22, 2022

What Exactly Is The Problem!? : It's A Family Problem, Stupid!!

 'Like father like son'. Here's another little ditty that works well in this instance, 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.' But I find interesting, there doesn't seem be much effort to understand the problem and then try and fix it. 

This is not normal behavior and yet it has been going on for decades while the nation just accepted it as normal being they are democraaats and therefore it's normal? Remember the reframe from all of their apologists, ''Hey, don't worry, it's Ol' Joe''!

Being criminals is not out of the realm of average citizen's behavior like Hunter and Joe. Everyone acts like this, right? Taking drugs, hiring hookers and accepting bribes from the communist Chinese is just another busy day for the Biiydens!!?? (Lets not forget James ''Jimmy the chin'' Biiyden as a player here as well.)

Hunter is a free-lance agent for going where the action is
and Joe is just a lifelong democraaat politician.
What's not to like?

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