Sunday, July 10, 2022

Joe Says ''What Ever Happened To Our Voters?'' : Millions Gone Seeking Leadership!

They are leaving a sinking ship that is called America. They can see and feel every day what Biiyden and the Marxist democraaats are doing to America and want something other than failure on all fronts. 

Again, they remember how this were with Trump's idea of what this country should look like, freedom and prosperity for all. He did before and so they want it again.

Never vote democraaat again if you acutely care about America being a free country and being able to be proud of the greatest country on earth, let alone one's self-preservation.

The insane always have an answer to explain why they
aren't insane! Joe is the poster child!

Joe Biiyden living in a world where the entire existence
is dependent on story telling of how he believed
he wanted to be seen but can't actually even tell
the story with screwing it up!

From years in the past where Joe sang a
different toon! Oh, how things have changed!

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