Sunday, July 17, 2022

So You Want Answers For Our Problems In America? : TIME Has The Answer!

 Sometimes this magazine does actually tell the truth and this time they are on the mark! Ol' Joe is front and center to the nightmare that is now our government puppet leader and his handlers. His betters never believed a puppet dummy could or would actually come to life causing so much trouble for those in control of the strings to make him jump and dance to their tune.

Even Teri Reid was a firsthand witness to what an out-of-control puppet can do and get away with it!!! ''I'm guilty as hell, but free as a bird''!

''Come on man, this is so much better then when I was in the
senate. Hell, I'm on top of the world now, doing any dam thing I 
want and no buddy can stop me! Let the good times roll man!''

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