Thursday, May 05, 2022

Life Without Fear Is Here Elon Says? : Freedom Rings Loud And Clear!

How Elon saved the country from Marxist liberated democraaats is truly a turning point for the resurrections of liberty and individual freedom as a way of life.

Did you ever notice how more people seem to be smiling then in past weeks? Could it be that they believe all is not lost with the liberated democraaats in control? Could it be that the people again can think they are not going to be enslaved to the demands of  all powerful Marxist communist for obedience to their ideology?

Maybe Elon is saying he won't allow the Chinese to take control of our country which gives everyone a sigh of relief.

Will Elon save us from having Marxist socialist rule our lives? Probably not. It all depends on the people themselves and what they believe and how they vote. It's always been that way, and for now it still accounts for the rule of law to prevail.

Taking control of Twitter is just the first step!

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