Sunday, May 01, 2022

Biiyden Promised Life Without Electricity Is Good! : Would Joe Lie to Us?

 Life in the United States today is different than it has been over the last hundred years or so. Never before have so many in power state openly they want to destroy the country!

The next question is, why? They have everything this country could offer to make them prosperous and safe and yet they want to destroy it. And to what purpose? How do they gain by destroying the very factor that makes them powerful!? 

Truly, they are NOT like the rest of us down here in here in the trenches. They are different. They are DNA different. They are spawned directly from the sewer of hell itself!

Why would the question even come up if we didn't believe
Joe Biiyden doesn't care what happens to the rest of the 
country, he is secure with his family's accumulated fortune.
The rest of us can pound sand! His history tells the story!

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