Saturday, September 05, 2020

Some Teachers Demand To Stay In Lock Down? : Time To Defund Public Education?

This is interesting in that many teachers in several parts of the country it seems have decided to staying home in lock down and still be paid their wages was a good thing, why got to work? They don't want to get sick they concluded.

And if that's not bad enough, many have decided to take the chaos ever further, siding with the committed socialists, communist if you will, BLM and ANTIFA organizations, declaring the system of public education was not fair and city and state officials meet their demands for changes in the political system of immigration, defunding the police as well as many other hot topics with national implications.

It makes sense then to take this discussion one step further, while demanding defunding the police, why not defund public education at the same time. There doesn't seem to be any good reason to take tax dollars to sustain an organization that obviously does not have the best interest of the larger society as their main goal as employees of the state at heart.


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