Thursday, September 24, 2020

Why Are We Here? : What Do You Think About That?

Don't know who compiled this list items related to being safe and prosperous, but it's realistic. Here is just a few things to think about while you enjoy your first hours of the day in freedom to do just that without the fear of being killed. 

Of course, if you live in a black neighborhood in the Southside of Chicago, you don't have that luxury! 
And when you think that the police will not be coming when you call ass the mayor has decided they are no longer needed, how will that make you feel??

Who we are and how we think!

I wonder how many people would have been shot by police if they did not commit crimes nor resist arrest? I suppose it would be NONE! 

If you don't want to get hit by a car, don't protest in the middle of a highway. If you don't want to get killed by the Police, don't engage in illegal activities. If you're scared of the Coronavirus, stay home.

If you don't love America, leave it. It's really not that difficult to figure out.

That moment when someone says, "I can't believe you would vote for Trump" think about these items for discussion. Tell them this: 

I'm not exactly voting for him.
I'm voting for the Second Amendment.
I'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice.
I'm voting for the Electoral College & the Republic we live in.
I'm voting for the Police to be respected and Law & Order.
I'm voting for our jobs to remain in America.
I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country...for the American People to have their freedom.
I'm voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.
I'm voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I'm voting for Christianity (Freedom of Religion).
I'm voting for the American Flag that is disrespected by the Democratic Party.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion & not be censored.

I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country, for my children & my children's children to have their freedom.

What are you voting for?

Th4n there's this, 2,300 years ago, long before Islam, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their nose & mouths, broke their will & individuality, and depersonalized them.. It made them submissive and frightened of life itself.

That's why they imposed on every woman the mandatory use of a fabric over her face. Then, Islam turned it into the woman's symbol of submission to Allah, the man's owner of the Harem, & the King.
Modern psychology explains it: without a face we don't exist as independent beings.. 

The child looks in the mirror between the ages of two & three and discovers himself as an independent being. The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality. He who does not know his history is condemned to repeat it...

Just because you toppled a statue doesn't mean you changed history. It just shows how ignorant you are.

BLM has done more to promote racism in the past 3 weeks than all the Confederate Memorials in the past 100 years.

Would you hire a person who hates animals to care for your dog? Then, why would you elect people who hate America?

If you're driving alone in your car & wearing a mask, you don't need to put a Biden sticker on your car... we already know!

The NFL now says it may bar all Military & Police Honor Guards from being on the field. I hope the NFL tanks completely! Have you considered your response?

Want to be Green? Shut off your air conditioning, turn off your phone & go plant next year's dinner.

The only thing that's gotten worse since Trump became President are the Democrats.

For those of you who are serious germ-fearers... did you know that doorknobs made out of brass disinfect themselves in about 8 hours through a process called the oligodynamic effect?

If we don't start getting behind the Police, they'll all quit. I know I would!

Blacks are calling the Party that freed slaves racist & supporting the Party that owned slaves, then began the KKK! Are they really that stupid?

If we are removing 'To Kill a Mockingbird' due to its use of the "N" word, how many Rap albums are going with it?

Warning to BLM & ANTIFA: Once you've managed to defund & eleminate the Police, there's nobody protecting you from us. Hope everyone remembers that.

Payday candy bar is changing its name because it's offensive to those who don't work.

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