Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Yes I like Beer! : The Berrett Hearings On The Freedom to Chose!! Liberty or Death!

 It's said if there is one thing that will drive the progressive socialist liberal democraaats insane it's someone with an agenda or ideology that is founded on individual freedom. Understandable! The ideology of the progressive liberal is based on the Marxist theology where the individual is of no consequence other then to obey the leadership of those who know what's best for everyone.

The Marxist agenda and ideology is called Communism where the state is all powerful and therefore all things for all people. But the problem is it has never worked, not ever at any time in history. 

But there are always those that believe they are smarter the those that went before, they have the answer to make it work where all the others have failed even thought more then a 100 million souls have been sacrificed to the communist agenda of centralized power in the hands of the few.

Know this, we are on the cusp of this very ideology of power in the hands of a few who know and understand how to take what others have by force. 

It's time to chose! This November 3rd will begin the process of regaining our life and liberty again as we will through off the fraud of Wuhan and the rioters in the streets seeking their power for control or we will decide the freedom to chose is of no use any longer, only following the orders of others who know what's best. 

''Freedom means having nothing else to lose!'' Chose!

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