Friday, September 18, 2020

Life, Liberty And The Pursuit of Happiness Is At Stake : Everything Is On The Table (Video)

 Here's a wake up call to everyone that believes we live in the most wonderful country in the world and that if we vote wrong in November, we can lose it all! This is not a game where all is needed to start a new life over is to hit the reboot button on your hand held device, this is real life and or death of a way of life that is the envy of the world.

In reality also, those that seek total power want to relieve you of your  ''unalienable right to life, liberty and your pursuit of happiness'' as stated in our Delectation of Independence. They are serious!!

Again, this is real! We can lose it all just because too many of us deicide to just hope this looting and burning of the buildings, the killing of police will just go away if we wait it out. Someone else will do the heavy lifting to save the day. They always have. There has always been someone to take the ''slings and arrows'' for us when the end came near.

Wake up, the end is not in sight for them, it's for us!

Yeah, Donald Trump is here and he is taking the brunt of the hate but believe me it isn't enough to just hope the bad guys will be stopped even if we stay home had hide under the bed. 

It just doesn't work that way. Each of us must do our part to save our country. Vote in November for Donald Trump. It turely is about life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

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