Thursday, September 17, 2020

Eating Found to Be "Super Spreader'' Event? : Health Mobs Attack Eaters!

This is interesting seeing how the democraaats have decided that people are doing things that are not approved by them, the experts in the national health field and their friend, the 'good doctor' Fauci, the famed virologist, a 36 career government employee, a very 'good' democraaat, that heads the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

In  truth, the good doctor hasn't as of yesterday found that eating will spread the Chinese Wuhan thing even faster as some of his followers think as they attack people in restaurants, especially at things like Trump rallies, not so much for the street mobs by the thousands looting and burning private business, but he is still contemplating his next decision to bring the population into a total state of complaisance to his mandates to save the majority of the ignorant and easily fooled among us from death and destruction.

According to the good doctor Fauci, compliance and obedience to his directives will ultimately allow the population to regain some freedoms that were lost in the shut-down of the country he said were necessary, but just when we could reopen he wasn't sure. All the data isn't in but he thinks by the first week in November he will know more. 

Last week he said the mandate for opening the country would probably happen sometime at the end of next year or later but only time will tell what we must do to stop this terrible Wuhan thing.


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