Saturday, September 12, 2020

Joe Biden Explains Something(Maybe) : Ol' Joe Is Not Sure, Lost And Muddled In A Mental Fog!

 Joe Biden wants to be president but he's not sure why! What ever the reason were in the past, he tried twice before, are not lost in the fog of swirl of competing thoughts from years gone by but he is unable to organize them into coherent conversations.

Sadly, the confusion will only get worse as the history of this problem infects millions due to the  aging process, worse in some then others. Joe Biden each day demonstrates the progress of dementia for all to see on the national stage when and where ever he appears to speak.

And now he is running in a race to lead America into the futue and the free world as America is the most powerful country on earth. Who would actually vote for this to happen? In realty, millions are doing that right now and millions more in November. Why are they doing this, they really have no idea other then they have always voted democraaat no matter how badly this decision turns out to be.

If you find this incomprehensible, join the ranks of those that believe we deserve and demand better.

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