Saturday, September 12, 2020

Aerial Photos of 9/11 Destruction In NYC : Recent Destruction In NYC Is Different Now? The Hate Is The Same!

Here are some photos of Manhattan during the 9/11 attack on the twin towers. I know these have been around for a long time but given what has transpired in many of our major cities, we should take another look and contemplate what our future holds if the wrong people take the controls of our government.

It is truly amazing that we must decide our future not on who will bring progress and prosperity, but if we should vote for people that publicly tell us they will harm us if we don't vote like they tell us to. 

Is this really America? 'Land of the free and home of the brave'? Why must we have to decide between the freedom to chose or self destruction. May God help us all to make the right decision.

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