Sunday, September 27, 2020

Joe Biden In Tampa During an Interview For Television : Good Reasons to Vote For Him(Video)

 What a mess! Half of our country is going to vote for someone that is mentally still wetting his pants after recess!

This is hard to watch.  Biden in Tampa this week - what you did not see on TV.

Folks, we could be in trouble!! Who would actually vote to place a man with a mind of a 3 year old to lead our country? Think about it. Would he know what buttons to push? 

"Here are the buttons to push to launch the ballistic missiles Mr. President. Just push this one over here and whoosh, away they go! Kind'a like bottle rockets on the 4th of July. Remember? Did you like bottle rockets Mr. president?"

The democraaat voter is good with this. They really don't care about stuff like this. All they know is voting like the have been told. Other wise they don't know what to do in the voting booth!

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