Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Fauci Says Restrictions Must Be On Until 2021 or Longer! : Actually, He Meant For Ever!?

I don't know how many times I have to detail the short-comings of the ''good doctor'' Fauci concerning the Wuhan flu but as long as he is determined to drive the narrative ''if you don't do what I say, I will tell you how much worse the Chinese flu will be and that the restriction on your freedom and liberty will become. Control with restrictions and fear!

The 'good doctor' just proclaimed yesterday that we will be under his restrictions of our freedom and liberty until at least the end of next year, 2021 or longer!! In reality the restrictions on our freedom and liberty will never end. Control!

He said this with a straight face on television. As in the song lyrics, "He lied straight faced while I cried''! Fear as a weapon for control!

The 'good doctor' knows that the actual ''flu'' season, the Rino Flu, the common cold, a flu virus, and the H1N1 Flu is coming where every year 10's of thousands die, 100's of thousands are hospitalized, and 10's of millions are infected. What a good time for the 'good doctor' Fauci to tell us how explosive the Wuhan flu will be in the next months as he and his cohort experts will use the results of the regular flu season, that we all suffer though every year, to exaggerate, to use and lie about the Wuhan's impact on the nation.(They have used this tactic for months, only more so now as the election approaches!) Control!

Don't forget there is an election coming in November that could change our country for generations to come, and that the 'good doctor' Fauci is a life long, 36 year career federal progressive democraaat bureaucrat, and that lone should tell us all we have to know cornering his demands on the population!

By this time everyone must be aware of his tactics he uses and by those who claim to be ''expert'' in health are using this pandemic now as a tool for control and nothing else. We must wear a mask to cover our faces, separate our selves from one another, stay home, no eating out, no church gatherings, no movies theaters, no swimming or playing sports. No No No No! 

Do what we demand or die! He says we must take a knee and beg for our freedom and liberty back. (Unless of course you want to burn down your city and loot it's contents in a riot mob, then it's okay!)


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