Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Barrrack Said He Would Like A Thrid Term! : He Got It!!

 What a great long running television series and for all tense and purposes, the program is still going on in real time and even with the same characters. 

The only difference is Tattoo's character is now standing alone for the cameras and the magnificent magician has retreated into the shadows but still in control of the new guy and all of the outcomes from his pulling on the strings to make him look and act like a real person, not just a puppet dancing to a toon.

After Joe Biiyden took over for Tattoo's place in line, his character didn't change all that much over the yreas as the script writers decided Joe's history was enough to fool the masses into believing everything he said and did was therefor just a reflection of the real his real life in government, a 50-year fantasy of what his real life was all about.

Let the good timers roll!

And he really does live on an island, all by himself!

And now we know how it all started! I guess Tattoo
couldn't cut the pressure of playing second fiddle to
the great one!

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