Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Confusion Is Systemic: democraaats Are Focused On The Ring!

Marxist democraaats are grabbing for that ''brass ring'' of ultimate power will all of their assists available to them being in power. Everything is aliening up perfectly as all media, educational institutions and virtually all justice authority is ready to move when needed.

They know their time is now to take ultimate control of the nation once and for all given America is in a fundamental Constitutional crisis where the divide amongst the people is huge as to the direction the nation must take to survive is real.

The democraaats know if they fail now, given the timing is so perfect with the nation being set adrift by the corrupt democraaats, their most important task of establishing a governmental centralized power structure with them in the leadership role will be lost.

They demand this must not happen! 

What happened to Rep, Bowman for pulling the 
alarm? Nothing! Why? He's a democraaat! What
happened to the police officer in the capital that
murdered unarmed woman? Nothing! He's a

Bowman walks free! How come?

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