Saturday, October 28, 2023

Washinton Clown Freaks Are Not Fake News!! : Biiyden's Cabinet Stooges Are Everywhere!

 It seems the Biiyden clowns are on parade every day making America a laughingstock. Not one of them has any reason to be in positions of power as they exhibit their total incompetence to such an extent that the mind of ordinary people focuses them to question their own sanity.

This can't be real! This has to be just a bad dream, a horrendous nightmare conjured up from the sewers of hell itself. But no, it is real, and we all know it when we watch TV, buy groceries or pump gas into our cars or try to dodge gun fire on the streets as you come out of your house!

But hey, pay no attention to any of that, just vote for more democraaats to make sure life ends quickly for you and your family. We deserve better than this!

But now with a new speaker in the House of Representatives we
can expect better? Hope springs eternal!

Denying the obvious is standard procedure of the those 
that are mentally incompetent and with criminal intent as well!

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