Monday, October 30, 2023

The Disease That Is Really Killing Ameria! : democraaat Marxism Brain Rot!!

 Given so far since the election of Donald Trump in 2016 and his history of total success that brought America back from the brink of failure, and then the ''election'' of Joe Biiyden in 2020, actually he isn't the president, he is in name only as he is illegitimate, the election was a fraud of total corruption, the media that runs point for the Marxist democraaats have taken the country into the sewer of diseased socialist politics.

We now see the democraaat collective as being mentally diseased. Their failed agenda and ideology of Marxist liberalism that demands obedience to them or suffer the pain of destruction with the democraaat boot on their throats!

The democrat party of the dim past, never that good for America at any time in our storied history, but now that party no longer exists, is now a Marxist liberated collective that tried to rule with an iron fist is now on the brink of imploding.

Marxism, socialism, is a total failure and always has been throughout history for bringing success, for producing prosperity for the population of average citizens. But the new democraaats can't let it go. They firmly believe that the use of rogue government agencies like the FBI, using fear and the forces of arms, will win the day.

It seems the disease is total. The people that are infected
have lost all grip on reality.

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