Saturday, October 14, 2023

DHS's Mayorkas Says The Border Is Closed! : Alejandro Lied Again!

 More the 7 million illegals have crossed the Southern border that we know of and another million that we don't know about. Why would he lie about a thing like that? What's his motive? What's in it for him? Does it bother him that he and him boss, Joe Biiyden is responsible for the deaths of more than 100 thousand young Americans from Fentanyl each year that was brought across the border by illegal immigrants. 

Did someone tell him to do that? If so, who? And why do they want illegals by the millions to be in our country? Do they worry that our schools, hospitals, welfare systems and our police to protect the innocent American citizens in our country will be overburdened?

It will virtually destroy these institutions to handle the massive surge of people without skills, the language or even a working knowledge of their own language let alone little or no educations.

Or what about a willingness to adopt to a new lifestyle of freedom to obey the laws of America? Do they want to b become Americans or just to live the life being paid for by others?

We all know that won't work and never has and never will!

Vote for more democraaats! We really don't need hospitals or schools anymore as we have a ruling class of Marxist democraaats that will fix everything.

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