Sunday, October 15, 2023

Ol' Joe's Now Singing A Different Toon On Israel? : Who's Responsible? Who Voted For Joe?

Just when one thinks that the Marxist Newly Liberated democraaats have done as much damage to the country and the free world, as the economy is collapsing and crime in the streets is out of control, we are now facing another war besides Ukraine, that can become a world war, democraaats are oblivious to it all. 

Lying about it all is the only thing they have left!

Who did this happen? Some of the democraaat Marxists in the news media are saying it's because of Israel occupation of the Gaza Strip which is crap, and they know it, but underneath they have to believe it's the fault of Donald Trump's failure to not recognize the dangers of having a Jewish controlled state.

All democraaats know it by instinct. There can't be any other answer.

In realty though, the real cause of everything that is happening is due to not just the monster democraaats in congress and their friends in media, called liberated democraaats, but the greatest cause is all those who voted to put them in office especially Joe Biiyden and his pal Barrrack Ogbymma! (Remember Barrrack's religious jihad for change? It is bearing fruit!)

Know this, the blood of thousands of dead in Israel and thousands more to come. And 100's of thousands of dead in America from Fentanyl is on the hands of those that voted for democraaats in office that demanded the Southern border remain open.  And there's more, now the democraaats are suggesting   that Israel should seek peace. Stop the war.

It sure sound like it's time to vote for more Marxist liberated democraaats to make sure the entire world is on fire. And that is probably what they will do next November!!!

Who voted for Joe Biiyden? Oh, wait, they didn't really
vote for Joe, they voted against Trump!!!!!!

democraaat voters are brain dead like the democraaat
leader of the once free world.

Trusting a democraaat to anything that will
do what they say they will is a fool on a fools
journey into a dark pit of vipers!

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