Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Dog Days Problem for Joe! : It's All In The Training!

 Just like Joe Biiyden, his dog has never been trained to obey instructions on what is right and wrong when living in a civil society governed by laws. Ol' Joe has always lived by his own rules where anything that enter his compromised mind is okay no matter what it may be. 

His dog is just like his owner, he believes he can bite whomever without consequences!

If it's a criminal enterprise that wonders along for Joe's mind to consider is of little concern, he isn't aware what that means. Everything within his grasp is okay and legitimate for the taking.

Joe has just one rule to follow, ''Take the money and run''! And the more the merrier! Even better, no one really cares, he's the head democraaat and sets the tone for the rest of the Marxist collective.

Joe has no idea what is happening at any one time during the
day, he just wanders around looking for something to take to
make his life more profitable and easier.

And there is always a lot of people willing to help him find
what he wants no matter the source.

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