Saturday, October 14, 2023

The ''New'' Marxist Liberated democraaats! : We Must Have More Power Now!!

More power and by any means necessary. There are no limits. Time is running out with next election coming up fast. Hillary knows if Trump is elected, her chances of becoming a power player will end once and for all!!

She knows it won't be just vengeance, it will be a reckoning!

If there is one person, although there are many, that stands out a lot of the time to explain just who the liberated democrats are and what they must have and no matter what the circumstances are, the absolute power for control of all outcomes, it would be Hillary Clinton.

They truly are the ''Newly liberated'' progressive Marxists because way before the election of 2016, decades before in not generations, they tried stealing every election and succeeded in many cases.

But since the 2016 election cycle where the democraaat campaign doubling down in their efforts began to cheat on the run-up to the election for president starting as early as 2015 with the campaign strategy to produce a huge lie about Donald Trump.

 It was written by a Russian spy. Christopher Steele published it called the ''Steele dossier'' which was paid for by Hillary for President campaign. Even Steele side it was a lie as he made up the whole thing out of thin air? But Hillary didn't care, it's by any means necessary!

From there it was one lie after another, the FISA court, the FBI attacks on trump's people even attacking Trump himself before the election by James Come, the director of the FBI. It was breathe taking to see just how corrupt and evil the Marxist democraaats really were and still are.

Worse, they actually tried after the election that Trump won to overthrow his duly elected presidency and his government and where no one really cared!!! Not the media or government justice system officials.

 After all, the criminals were all democraaats! Who knew?

Look no further then Hillary to find this woman treading in the
sewer of Washington's elites.

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