Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Worst Threat To America's Survival! : The Main Stream Media!

It is stunning to the average person that so many people who are supposed to tell us what is actually happening around the state, the country or the world are totally ready and willing to lie and deceive to further their own agenda and ideology of destruction. 

But what actually happens is nearly all media outlets have the same understanding, agenda to deceive the public by telling us all what they want us to believe is the truth. It is never about the truth for the mains stream media, it is always about the narrative of hate for America's founding of individual freedom and liberty.

Lying about everything is how they do it. Case in point, yesterday the New York Times admitted they ''lied too much'' concerning the missile that hit the parking lot near a hospital that was launched from Hammas and when wrong, supposedly, but blamed it on the Israelis. 

They lie too much??

They didn't know who was responsible but didn't care, the narrative is always about expanding the ideology of progressive Marxism in America. Blame America first always works for Marxist democraaats as the Israel is a good ally and is center in this conflict that is raging now in Gaza.

Hate for America and self-empowerment is what drives
them for the total power over others!

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