Monday, October 23, 2023

Eating Bugs Is A Good Brain Food! : Bill Gates Wouldn't Lie, Right?

How many articles have we been exposed to where Bill, smiling, tells us we have to get use to a changing of our diet as we can't sustain our old whys of producing food. Too many demands on our system and because the system itself is flawed according to Ol' Bill. 

Still, I wonder why Bill has purchased thousands of acres of land in the Midwest. hmmm it does seem strange he would proclaim agriculture an obsolete of system of food production but buys land in large amounts in the breadbasket of our nation.

Again, just asking for a friend, he isn't doing this for his friends in China. right? Many states are now making laws to prohibit China from buying land in the United States.

People that live in a state of make believe are 
more susceptible to ideas that
are unbelievable. 

You can easily led them to make anything believable!

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