Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Pressure Is Building Among The People : Protesting Is Not An Option for Hate!!

 Many of the civilized population that live and work in the trenches to survive everyday demands are not happy watching thousands of the ignorant children storm the streets all across the nation and the world. 

What is this all about? How do the ignore such depravity and debaucher on such a scale the average world citizen cannot comprehend just how evil it really is. The people how obey the laws of the naitons  are becoming angry, wanting answers as to just who are all of these people and where the hell do they come from in such numbers?

Is it about the taking power from others or is it about the denial of the human condition where the slaughter of innocent people is okay. All life no matter where it's found is of no concern for these people kill without the least amount of soul for what they did in Israil and now protesting in the streets today like none of that actually happened or worse cared.

After all, it was just Jews! Kinda like back in 1943 Germany!!

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