Monday, October 09, 2023

Big Changes Are Coming! : From Chaos And conflict, A Stronger Will to Succeed!

What the hell is going on in Washington? We are being led by a brain-dead lunatic and worse maybe is all of his associates are corporate criminals dedicated to taking our country into a socialist cesspool. 

The old saying again is ''you can run but you can't hide'' from the enviable onslaught of the passage of time that brings success and failure depending on your will to accept this is how it works. With everything in our country and around the world now in chaos, there is a change happening that will affect how we live and work to raise our families.

The difference is then to build on either one with the attitude you can take advantage of both if you are willing to work out the problems on failures and then build on the successful corrections.

We are facing some real troubled times here as our nation struggles to fight off the attacks from those that wish to do us harm domestically, democraaats that have cut the anchor that held us stable in the storm, and those foreign agents that find Amecia in a weakened and conflicted position to take advantage us.

It's past time to buckle down and do whatever it takes to keep
the population working and stable.

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