Tuesday, February 14, 2023

What is The Problem With Kamala? : What is A Kamala?

 There seems to be a void in the information base that could explain how we have been subjected to two people at the very top of our power structure that are completely incompetent. (Is this again the plan for Barrrack to have a third term?)

Could it be that they are just democraaats that truly believe their time in the sun has come and must making the most it by showing and explaining just how far out of touch the democraaat collective really is from realty. 

But no matter what transpires, they stand firm for all to see and understand on their agenda and ideology, their religion, where power in the hands of a few is enough for ruling the masses.

And again, who the hell voted to make this happen???????

What has gone wrong? Is it just democraaats being who they
really are?

And why hasn't anyone taken a closer look at one of the most
diabolical members of this collective who seems to always be
near the front of the line but just in shadows enough to hide
from scrutiny, Valerie Jarrett!!

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