Saturday, February 25, 2023

The Chinese Believe Their Money Is Well Spent : The Biiydens Dance To Their Toon!!!

 Most of what we see and hear on television or in the other media depicts events that defy reality. What is the average citizens to do when they understand nothing is real, everything is beyond parity, beyond everything they have ever learned to help them succeed in their life's endeavors.

Here's a great quote that makes perfect sense depicting our real-life experiences with Marist socialist democraaats ; 

''When citizens are confronted with a real insurgency, they wait too long to recognize the danger and then are too often paralyzed by it.''

The citizens are truly experiencing a real ''insurrection'' that is designed to destroy Amecia as it was founded which will make this great country a Marxist socialist sewer of hate and corruption. History proves it has never worked and we are all witnessing the failure again now!

(The average citizen looks on like ''a deer in the headlights' wondering why anyone would want do these things to our country that has given them everything and yet they are!?)

Marxist liberated democraaats are willingly and
knowingly destroying our country and it's
founding on individual freedom and liberty.

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