Wednesday, February 22, 2023

What Happened to Mayor Pete? : "Pete, wherefore Art thou''?

 ''I'm seriously considering make the move to Ohio as much of the chaos is finally over and the atmosphere of finger pointing has subsided. Nothing can be accomplished in real time as long as people are screaming about their problems. We will actually help them see and understand we can all come together if only we will see the bigger picture.

We are the government, and we are here to help!

But the time seems for calm consideration of what to do next is rapidly come to the surface as the citizen catch their breath, many seem to be struggling with that, and settle down as the air becomes clearly more conducive to rational debate.

''I know your problem and I'm here to help but nothing can be
done as long as the area is not safe for considerations.''

And then the light of day points to solutions!

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