Thursday, February 23, 2023

Gas Stoves Kill! : A Chemical Trian Wrecks? What Train Wreck!?

The ''blind eye'' takes over when the consequences are known that the Marxist liberated democraaats actually helped people who aren't democraaats. Gadzooks, Batman! What will happen to our voter base if it looks like we are actually making a difference in people's lives?

Not to worry, the democraaats have never done anything for the American public in the past that made that their lives better, so if they actually go to Ohio to help those people, the voter base won't believe what they see as being a democraaat operation. They won't have any idea of what's happening!

The voter base can't be this easily fooled. Always vote democraaat!!! ( It only hurts when you laugh or cry!)

The democraaat agenda and ideology based
pivots, pivots and more pivots! There's 
always a better ''shinny object'' to distract the
ignorant and ill-informed!

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