Friday, February 17, 2023

Old Joe's Delusion Is Complete! : The Guess Work Is Over!!

 That the nation is on the brink of becoming a socialist state where the population will be just a mob demanding more free stuff that was promised by ol' Joe if they just would take a knee and worship those at the levers of power.

but one of the major problems is ol' Joe is not in charge of anything. The people pulling on strings to make ol' Joe dance and they are not nice people. They want to ''fundamentally change'' America to  reflect a more ''global'' controlled country where we are subject to orders from other place in the world. 

We as citizens will no longer have individual freedom but be subjects waiting for orders to specify what our behavior must be.

What could go wrong with that?

All indications are million are doing just that right now and enjoying the fact they now don't have to make decisions on their own that cause them stress as they might be wrong, the smartest people in the room take away all of the guess work for them. (But of course, take on responsibility for when they are wrong!)

Puppet Joe Biiyden and the Marxist liberated democraaats
pulling on the strings are all in on the transformation from
liberty to tyranny!

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