Thursday, February 23, 2023

And Speaking of Train Wrecks! : Joe Biiyden's Brain Promises A Better America!

 I guess it comes down to what different people believe is better than something else. But for Joe it has nothing to do with comparing anything in the past to what he says is going to happen now and or in the future.

The biggest equalizer in situations like this is Joe's brain is not what it should be or never was for that matter as history is a good teacher. But he still tries to force it to work like his brain is healthy and a functional part of his body, but everyone can see it doesn't as again history tells the whole story watching him stumble to center stage, trying to tell the world who he was with a dialogue that makes no sense making him the fool that we all know he is. 

Joe Biiyden's world is very small and very
dysfunctional. But does it really matter as Joe
lives in a world of just fun and games where
life is lived for the moment. Train rides, ice
cream cones, little girls and similes, big smiles.

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