Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Truth Is Always The Best Solution to Huge Problems!!

 Yeah, you say this is crazy talk, but if you haven't been accosted by even the smell let alone the taste, then your life is on the right track!!

There some evidence in the past rogue nations used Kale
as a means of torture, forcing the prisoner to eat Kale 
or die. Most told their captors whatever they wanted to know!

Some experts say this is because they didn't have much to
eat if they couldn't find meat. But they did say prehistoric
people had a lot of leafy stuff but can't confirm it was

Perception Is Everything: Stand Tall or Fall! USMC!

When you think things are going to be stressful, find a way to protect yourself with what seems to be real but actually is false. If you need more information on how this is done, just study for a few minutes the tactics of a prominet politician, they invented the term ''smoke and mirrors''!

President Trump : Sir - You Must Know Things Have Changed Since 2020!

I am concerned that President Trump is using tactics from past years which will be a problem for him today. My message to him is as follows:

You are the right person to lead this country back but don't shoot yourself in the foot. Don't start degrading others before the declarations begin. Things are different this time around. Different people telling the public what they want to hear about how to fix the problems, not degrading their opponents.

You hold the high ground, don't slip and fall because you stepped too close to the edge, it's very slippery there!

Mayor Pete Says We Need More DEI! : It's Feels Better That Way!

After Pete's foray into the unknown in Ohio, he is convinced the problem lies in the language of how we address this situation. So much nastiness between the different combatants, all of the smelly things lying on the ground make for tempers to rise and therefore communication falls apart.

So it makes good sense to take a step back and reassess the problem, change the language we use and then watch how things improve and problems are solved.

''I know this works because this is what I did in Southbend for 8 years as mayor and the results were dramatic.''

''Stay clam and assess the problem in ways that convey
solutions always works if given enough time. People need 
to understand what it means to be a member of the larger
society that has equitable and diverse solutions.

''Trust me! I understand the problem. The solutions are
universally inclusive, not exclusive.''

Biiyden Goes To Ukraine : ''Okay, Where Next? Back To The White House?'' GONG!!!

Old Joe goes to Ukraine leaving behind a ton of money and then leaves. He isn't sure why he did this but never mind, he had a bunch of people ready to kiss is ass. Joe likes that! 

He said he expected Mayor Bowser to be there but some guy he doesn't know greeted him, took his money and then said ''go home, bring more!'' Joe is confused. What's he talking about? Bring more what?

Then he said, ''uah, what am I doing here. I'm hearin' sirens and all kinds of gun shots. I don't remember Washington to be this way when I was here last time. Who the hell is running the show around here anyway? (Big smile!!) ''Must be a dumb son of a bitch''!

Let the good times roll! Always vote democraaat until you can't vote anymore!!!

Good Ol' Joe. Fifty years of riding high on the pony of
a burned-out government employee!

But the people living the dumpster and eating
bugs to say alive have a different solution for
Ol' Joe, that crazy son of a bitch!

Monday, February 27, 2023

The Church is Nervous : The Brothers Are Innovative On Silence!

 You knew it was just a matter of time before someone would find a way to give others their opinion on everything.

Mayor Pete Has Decided To Go To Work : Breast Feeding Is Tedious!

 Mayor Pete understands his obligations to the family unit but at some point, he understands as well he was hired to watch over the infrastructure of this great nation. Truly there is conflict between his twin obligations to his children and that of the population of America who rely on him to make it safe to travel and live without fear of their mobility becoming useless, compromised.

The agenda ''fall back'' position of the Marxist democraaats
that works every time on the clueless among us!

Pete is doing double tasking as he gets ready to introduce cartoon
show for the twins and his duty to the nation to find out what's
actually going on out in the nasty world.

Liberated Marxist democraaats Display Biiyden As Proof of Their Power!

Joe Biiyden is mentally incapable of rational thought, a real member of the Walking Dead and yet he is declared a hero of the masses by the sycophant media and the Marxist liberated democraaats who control him. They have an agenda that doesn't include the people of this nation as demanded by the Constitution. 

The newly liberated democraaats firmly believe their time is now to take total power by any means necessary. The means always justifies the ends.

The agenda and ideology of the Marxist democraaats is founded and designed to eliminate any and all opposition to the ultimate goal of centralized control of all outcomes. Joe Biiyden makes it clear what his handlers want for the rest of us and the Department of Justice make clear what and how that will come to be.

We are all witnessing the progress of that agenda and ideology of weaponizing the federal government against the people!!

And God Promised The Rain Will End : His Promise is Manifes For All To See!

Start the week off on the promise that God is here and will be here forever. Given all of the conflict we are suffering now, He is here for us. All that's need for relief is to believe he keeps his promises. 

A complete Rainbow... photo was taken at around 30k ft above the Earth. On the ground, we usually only see the arc half of the circle.
Credit Photo: Lloyd J Ferraro

Sunday, February 26, 2023

We Just Want to Help The Infirm! : Using Imaginative Progressive Words!

 The progressive Marxists are all about doing and saying the right things to save the mentally disadvantaged democraaats who don't know why they are disadvantaged!

Even the most dedicated Marxist liberated democraaat will
want to understand why when it rains, they have to be
told to come inside!

April Fools Are Running The Country! : ''Come On Man, That's Not A Joke!''

The burning question now is how did this happen and how to make sure it never happens again. But the scarcest part is so many among us have lost the ability to understand there is a difference between what is good and what is not good for the country. Even with current events being obviously bad, many still are afraid to step forward to make the necessary changes.

Sadly, the main push for many good citizens is the fallback position, their secure place, let's just keep doing what we have always done, more of the same and hope for the best. That way people won't be able to blame us if things don't work out like we hoped and planned they would.

And one day they wake up and notice they are living in a dumpster behind Walmart. They ask the most important question of their life, ''Who did this to us?"

Hey Joe, What Should We do? : Shoot It Down?

 It sure would be nice if Joe would spend a little more time at the White House instead of his basement in Delaware or the local ice cream shops. Still maybe he's more comfortable there then in Washington. 

He has proven to be a problem every time he shows up for work!

And then what happened?

This is not good for intergalactic relations. It
appears they are just visiting our air space.
Joe Biiyden screws up again!!

Newest Balloon Sighted In Montana! : Clever Those Chiense!

 Given just how WOKE the Biiyden democraaats say they are, this will be a real test. Experts say Joe will petition the Chinese to let him take a ride. It's understood as well that the ice cream is free.

I Wonder how this will work out when the balloon reached
South Dakota?

Joe Biiyden - The Ultimate democraaat : Now You See Him, Now You Don't!

A man that has now country. He is alone and confused, living in mental darkness. And yet to millions want to believe he is a hero, a man of the hour. The media is convinced.

But do they really believe he is a real person or just what they are told he is?  And do they want to believe so badly that it's true, they find it nearly impossible to admit to themselves something is wrong, but they don't know what.

For life long democraaats this is a real problem!

For many among us, good citizens, ignorance has been a way of life. But then suddenly turning to the light of truth that is so obvious is just too difficult. They refuse to accept what is clearly obvious.

So, they turn away to a place where they feel secure, darkness. And yet the feeling of something isn't right remains, lingers, causing doubt and confusion in a once safe place.

Unable to explain why he exists!

And now you don't see him!

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Getting Older And How We Use to Be : A Flash Back of Stars And Headliners! (Video)

Take a minute to enjoy a Saturday morning to reflect on how things use to be and how we matured in song and this great video of people we know from headlines and the silver screen.


The Chinese Believe Their Money Is Well Spent : The Biiydens Dance To Their Toon!!!

 Most of what we see and hear on television or in the other media depicts events that defy reality. What is the average citizens to do when they understand nothing is real, everything is beyond parity, beyond everything they have ever learned to help them succeed in their life's endeavors.

Here's a great quote that makes perfect sense depicting our real-life experiences with Marist socialist democraaats ; 

''When citizens are confronted with a real insurgency, they wait too long to recognize the danger and then are too often paralyzed by it.''

The citizens are truly experiencing a real ''insurrection'' that is designed to destroy Amecia as it was founded which will make this great country a Marxist socialist sewer of hate and corruption. History proves it has never worked and we are all witnessing the failure again now!

(The average citizen looks on like ''a deer in the headlights' wondering why anyone would want do these things to our country that has given them everything and yet they are!?)

Marxist liberated democraaats are willingly and
knowingly destroying our country and it's
founding on individual freedom and liberty.

CDC's Next Heresy ; Gun Confiscation for Control And Safty!

 If you want population control, the people must be on their knees ready to obey. They must not be able to resist enslavement.

Science Say Stupid Is Curable! : democraaats Can't and Won't Accept That!

 ''When ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise''! This is the entire agenda and ideology of the voter base of the Marxist liberated democraaat collective. It would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous for our civil society.

And science also says men can't get pregnant!

Who Is In The Drivers Seat? : Old Joe Says, ''Welcome Aboard!''

'' You called? Come on, man, tell me where you want to go and I will make it happen even if we never arrive at your destination, the ride will be something to remember. You'll tell your grand kids how my Uber deriver was very scary and displayed the behavior of a crazy person''. 

''And yet as a loyal participant in this system of transportation, I got into his car and regretted it as we just drove around and around and around. We didn't go anywhere we wanted to go. The drive was laughing and telling jokes the whole time!

''Sadly, I didn't have the courage to tell him to let me out because I have always trusted the system to work as designed. But it failed to deliver me to my destination. Worse actually, the system never did work right even though I wouldn't admit it to myself. I always had a problem with it because the outcomes were never as promised Never!!

''But even now, since I have always used this system to get where I wanted to go, I find it doesn't work, it didn't work back then, it's now unworkable.

 ''I didn't know how to change the way I did things. I just always did the same thing for decades, hoping each time there would be different outcomes''!

This Uber driver has no clue where he is going to take you as
he has no idea where he came from, he's just having a good
time on someone else's dime!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Breaking!! Joe Biiyden Transformed in Real Time : God Has His Reasons!! (On Video!!)

 Old Joe makes his move into the history books as the Frist president that was transformed in real time. God must has His reasons for doing this but I still find it hard to believe. But my faith in the good Lord is still solid! 

He knows what he's doing!!

Marxist democraaats Say Voter ID Must Go! : Millions of Illegals Ready to Vote!

 With more the 7 million new immigrants that have crossed our borders in the last two years, and it's estimated that another7 to 10 million more will be here by 2024, it just makes good sense for the Marxist liberated democrats to proposed issuing drivers licenses as well as registering them to vote as the enter the country. They say it will bring us all together as one population. One family. 

(Do you think issuing a ''Concealed Carry '' license at the same time as well a good idea? It is dangerous to be on the streets in most large cities!)

You know, being DEI is a good thing. Being diverse, being equitable and all-inclusive will mold the population into a family unit.

No one will be left out where they won't have to guess if they really belong in America!

Having a photo Id to vote is absurd! Many millions of 
people are in our country now so we should include them in the 
best way that we can and it's getting them registered to vote!

All This Brillance In One Place : Who Knew?

 The Marxist liberated democraaat, the neo-communist believe she will lead them to the promised land where all people will serve the government leadership as one obedient and accommodating body. All opposition will be gone, only the willing will remain.

''Will you allow the population to find liberty and 
individual freedom to choose their own destiny?''

Peoples Pronouns Are ShowIng : Who or What Are You?

 I wonder if they really believe what they think and say. It's clear they aren't fooling anyone into believing that it's possible to deny God His due!

How is it possible for 0.03% of the population
to have so much control over the 99.907%?

What exactlyh is the end game?

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Gas Stoves Kill! : A Chemical Trian Wrecks? What Train Wreck!?

The ''blind eye'' takes over when the consequences are known that the Marxist liberated democraaats actually helped people who aren't democraaats. Gadzooks, Batman! What will happen to our voter base if it looks like we are actually making a difference in people's lives?

Not to worry, the democraaats have never done anything for the American public in the past that made that their lives better, so if they actually go to Ohio to help those people, the voter base won't believe what they see as being a democraaat operation. They won't have any idea of what's happening!

The voter base can't be this easily fooled. Always vote democraaat!!! ( It only hurts when you laugh or cry!)

The democraaat agenda and ideology based
pivots, pivots and more pivots! There's 
always a better ''shinny object'' to distract the
ignorant and ill-informed!

And Speaking of Train Wrecks! : Joe Biiyden's Brain Promises A Better America!

 I guess it comes down to what different people believe is better than something else. But for Joe it has nothing to do with comparing anything in the past to what he says is going to happen now and or in the future.

The biggest equalizer in situations like this is Joe's brain is not what it should be or never was for that matter as history is a good teacher. But he still tries to force it to work like his brain is healthy and a functional part of his body, but everyone can see it doesn't as again history tells the whole story watching him stumble to center stage, trying to tell the world who he was with a dialogue that makes no sense making him the fool that we all know he is. 

Joe Biiyden's world is very small and very
dysfunctional. But does it really matter as Joe
lives in a world of just fun and games where
life is lived for the moment. Train rides, ice
cream cones, little girls and similes, big smiles.

Historical Book Report : The Powerful Are Found Wanting!

A flashback to where those in power are reflective of historical events. They all try and run from these events, but they can't hide!!

A student's world's funniest book report.

(And factual!)

Students at a local school were assigned to read 2 books, Titanic and My Life by Bill Clinton.
One student turned in the following book report, with the proposition that they were nearly identical stories! His professor gave him an A+ for this report.

Book report:
Titanic : Cost $29.99
Clinton : Cost $29.99

Titanic: Over 3 hours to read.
Clinton : Over 3 hours to read.

Titanic: The story of Jack and Rose, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe.
Clinton : The story of Bill and Monica, their forbidden love, and subsequent catastrophe.

Titanic: Jack is a starving artist.
Clinton : Bill is a bullshit artist.

Titanic: In one scene, Jack enjoys a good cigar.
Clinton : Ditto for Bill
Titanic: During the courtship, Rose's dress gets ruined.
Clinton : Ditto for Monica. (Courtship?)
Titanic: Jack teaches Rose to spit.
Clinton : Let's not go there.
Titanic: Rose gets to keep her jewelry.
Clinton: Monica is forced to return her gifts.
Titanic: Rose remembers Jack for the rest of her life.
Clinton : Clinton doesn't remember anything.
Titanic: Rose goes down on a vessel full of Seamen.
Clinton : Monica.. Ooh, let's not go there, either.
Titanic: Jack surrenders to an icy death.
Clinton : Bill goes home to Hillary, basically the same thing!

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Rep. Devin Nunes Explains 1/6 Tapes Given To Tucker Carlson : 44,000 Hours of Truth!!!! (Video)

This is good! Finally, some clarity. Here is information on what Devin had in mind when considering what to do with the inside story of what actually happened on 1/6 and how the Marxist liberated democraaats lied about it! 

Better, how the FBI and all of the other criminals that were part of the entire protest!!


Headlines From The Other Side!!

Say it aint so! 

And the best for last!!!

PETA - Don't Consume Family Members! : Leave No One Behind!

 This is interesting from PETA concerning carnivores that consume chickens. Some people have different ideas on the subject!

What Happened to Mayor Pete? : "Pete, wherefore Art thou''?

 ''I'm seriously considering make the move to Ohio as much of the chaos is finally over and the atmosphere of finger pointing has subsided. Nothing can be accomplished in real time as long as people are screaming about their problems. We will actually help them see and understand we can all come together if only we will see the bigger picture.

We are the government, and we are here to help!

But the time seems for calm consideration of what to do next is rapidly come to the surface as the citizen catch their breath, many seem to be struggling with that, and settle down as the air becomes clearly more conducive to rational debate.

''I know your problem and I'm here to help but nothing can be
done as long as the area is not safe for considerations.''

And then the light of day points to solutions!

Mayor ''PotHole'' Pete On The Job! : Whatz All The Fuss?

 Pothole has better things to do with his time. He says he is looking into the matter as he goes on television to discuss how racist construction workers are because they are white. That kind of thing must be changed so people of color won't feel as though they are forgotten in our society that at present is controlled by white men.

Racism is a terrible thing!!

He is adamant about leveling the playing field, so all races are equally represented in all their endeavors. ''There are some exceptions of cause but with time those problems can be worked out to the satisfaction of all parties concerned.''

''Sure, I'm plaining on going to Ohio but as I'm overrun at present with other problems in this great country, and further it just makes good sense to wait until the toxic atmosphere in that area has become more conducive to evalution.''

It's all just a matter of placing the most important problems
 first. The other ones will find their place in the larger 
scheme of things! Right now, I'm headed towards the 
TV studio.

Pete knows what is important in our country as he
was put into this position of power because of his
ability to fix problems, hence is catchy middle

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Why Climate Change Is A democraaat Fraud : But Why So Many Believe?

It's all so crazy! Where the hell did we go wrong and in such a spectacular way costing us all billions of dollars that we don't have. And worse an electrical Grid that can't and won't provide the needed extra demand. And if that's not enough, we have to dump our gas stoves for electric stoves?

Who the hell are these people? Is this all just a pivot away from the bigger and more aggress failures in our country caused by democraaats?

This is crazy!! Is this lost on the general public? Do they
see the absurdity in all this? None of it is real?