Friday, December 02, 2022

The World Economic Forum Celebrates Global Salvery! : Herr KLaus Schwab

One has to believe there are always people who believe they can enslave people better than anyone one else in history even though all those that have tried have failed killing 100's of million in the process.

But pay no attention to any of that, that was then, and this is now. We have better technology, and we are better prepared mentally and positioned at the United Nations to make it work so everyone can enjoy the benefits of ''all for one and one for all''. 

Centralized global power! (What could possibly go wrong? The 9mm Option?)

That way they, the worldwide citizens can accept the reality they are an equal partner in the failure and destruction of the human spirit making it easier to accept lives that are equally without meaning and substance! (And even better, the American president said they would pay for the whole thing!)

Heir Schwab says his background is ideally suited
to make worldwide retraining encampments a
reality. ''My ancestors made some mistake that we
will not this time around! Trust me on this!!''

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