Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Title 42 Ending Will Admit Another 10 million+ Illegals Into The United States! : Thanks Joe!!

 If the court doesn't ''stay'' the ending of Title 42 today, the beginning of the end the United States will be at hand! We cannot accept 10 million new illegals over the next 2 years added to the 5 million that came over the last 2 years, will make our health care and educational systems worthless!

And just think of how with will impact our safety on the streets with millions of people running loose to do whatever they want as the police have all left!

And guess what happened to our voting process. Voting will end!

Lying is just a way of life for Ol' Joe who make it an
art form after 50 years of being a government employee!

Our government at work! Cheating, lying and destroying
our country!!

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