Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Quick, Circle The Wagons!! : democraaats - No News Is Good News!

 If you ever wondered why so many of our good citizens say things that are weird or bazaar concerning recent news events, wonder no longer.

But the question that remains is how many of these good citizens remain so dumb founded when they are ask how they feel about the news concerning the border, crime and or the economy, being so bad for Joe Biiyden and the democraaats. and worse for the country, they look like deer in the headlights, amazed that you are so uninformed.

Lies! All lies!

The best way to control others is to tell them what they want
hear. The truth is too upsetting and stressful. Beside it's not
good for the narrative and ideology of one size 
fits all!

Truly amazing how the democraaats have used this tactic for
generation and the democraaat base is always able to 
believe it's true. 

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