Thursday, December 29, 2022

Marxist democraaats Caught : Elon Says, ''What Is Free Speech?''

 And then all of a sudden, along came Elon and everything changed. Slowly the population has begun to see the difference between Marxist communist ideology and our Constitution.

And it's really not that difficult to see how it works and understand it put us all at risk of losing our country to them. Just watching CNN, MSNBC or any of the lettered channels on television that nightly exclaim their truth us.

 But the Marxists demand we not believe our lying eyes and ears concerning how we have been left out of the loop as to what really happened on Twitter and all of the other major social media platforms!

Mush says, ''I'll show you how it was rigged and then how you can enjoy how things used to be. All that is required is for you to take a stand, rejoin the real world speaking your mind! You have an opinion, tell us what it is!''

Isn't wonderful what a few $billion dollars will do when in the hands of a private citizen instead of the criminals in government!

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