Sunday, December 25, 2022

''The Green New Deal'' For Living Life Large : Fossil Energy Is Bad, Starvation Is Good!

The democraaats believe death with dignity is a good thing. Freezing to death or starving to death in silence is something we all must endure while the ''fundamental change'' of having Marxist democraaats decide the fate of you and your family is taking place is taking place.

Everything must be electric now even though there isn't enough electricity even now let along when everything is plugged into the grid! How does that work or doesn't when there is no alternative to the demand for more electrify except solar panels and windmills????

Another question I have is without farming and framers without tractors that demand fossil energy or livestock on the farms, life takes on a whole new and more important meaning while grubbing for roaches for supper in the weeds on your knees!

But does it really matter? Is it a good thing doing what you are told is the truth even when you know instinctively that it's not and yet you obey? 10's of millions of good citizens voted for this! Really?

The Green New Deal from the democraaats isn't so bad if you
live somewhere the climate is good and ''fair''. Freezing to 
death is a problem.

I wonder if the democraaats in congress are ready to step up 
to table of bug and seaweed for supper!?

The question that remains is where did so many DNA
mutants come from or were they always here and 
we just ignored them when times were good when
Trump was in power?

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