Friday, December 16, 2022

Testasterone Is Not Good For Men: The Smartest Among Us Have Decided!!

 I believe we are in a lot more trouble than we first thought concerning just how many of our good citizens are infected with the stupid virus that leaves the victims without the ability to make decisions based on life's experiences!

And there are millions and millions of them, many are friends and relatives who seem to live ordinary lives but are suffering terribly from having to lives without any clear objectives of what to do next to survive in a community of like people stumbling about look for something that make sense but don't have the natural ability to find what they are actually looking for. 

Sadly, they are mostly just good democraaats that hope their betters will direct them to something that will make their dull and mundane lives worthwhile. The alternative of having to acutely stop their confused wondering in darkness and make some decisions seem to be out of the question as it might actually make their lives worth living in real time, not in some manufactured existence based on some fantasy or just wishful thinking produced by others in leadership positions.

But as the light of day approaches, as it always does it seems, along comes some reality as well, forcing the good citizens to understand voting democrat hasn't worked out like they have been told.

One has to wonder though how many among us
wear both of these hats at the same time!

Some people seem to be normal but at the same
time the stupid virus is so sinister it drives once
good people to do and saying things that 
normal people find frightening.

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