Saturday, December 10, 2022

The People Are Not As Smart As Once Thought! : ''The Fau Ci'' Is Center Stage!!

 The question the historians will ask is how did so many smart people could not make one good decision to save the country from decades of repair just by saying no, Dr Fau Ci you are wrong and mean it!

 How come The Fau Ci was able to dictate the destruction of an entire country when good voices told the world he was wrong and yet millions of people fell to their collective knees and did his bidding

Could it be just ignorance and fear? Or just a willingness to give up personal courage in face of the belief that government is good and knows the right answer!

If there is anything good that has come out of the catastrophic situation is that most people believe our government is totally corrupt and have no faith in their collective ability to rule the nation.

People ask how and who was able to achieve such a mass
hypnosis of the world population? Better maybe, the people were
and are being subjected to the idea that the psychosis of fear of
 dying on this scale couldn't possibly happen but has!!
Cruel and inhumane mentally and physically!

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