Saturday, December 10, 2022

Why Do People Vote For Self Destruction : Biiyden Drives The Last Nail!!

Joe Biiyden is truly something straight from the very sewers of hell itself!  A man who has been a government employee his whole life, never had a real job where responsibility was the watch word. 

A man with no soul, stealing everything that he can to enrich himself and his family no matter how criminal or despicably corrupt the effort to gain power and wealth is including driving the entire nation into default and destruction.

Is something wrong with our system of government that one man can do so much damage in such a short period of time?

Truly the real problem isn't just old Joe but the ignorant democraaat voter who have no idea what they are voting for, democraaats never have anything to vote for in the way of sound issues. Most of the time they just vote against anyone that isn't like them. 

Ol' Joe's record of the destruction of America is historic!

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