Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Biiyden's Book Explains He's Innocent: ''I Know Nothing and Never Did!''

I believe this book will tell the real story of just how involved Ol' Joe was with his many criminally abased and assorted deals while he was in the Senate and his eight years as VP! Truly amazing!!

He claims here that he had nothing to do with taking money from more than 50 different counties around the world for promises to help those counties' to establishing a foot hold in our mainstream capitalist wonderland of success. The details are breathtaking! Deals were struck, money changed hands and Joe did his part.

There is of course some talk concerning just who actually wrote this book as experts are discussing his two brain surgeries that remove much of his brain as it was determined at that time, much of it was diseased and therefore of no use to him.

Again, how revealing! Amazing!

But only time will tell just how bad off his ability to just function was as a human being in a complicated society of mainstream political activists were when the book was written will come only after the sales figures are published!

A ''Tell All'' book of how someone that had no
talent for anything got to be an employee of at 
totally corrupt government for more for then 50 years!

The old saying states, 'you can run but you can't hide' from an
assorted past of stupid things you did and said!!

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