Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Joe Says More Needs To Be Done Now!! : To Avoid Global Warming, New Taxes Are Needed!!

Shutting down more drilling and more pipelines is a good thing as a start but much more is needed to be done before it's too late. People are demanding results! They see things happening and are scared!

Ther facts are clear, people are scared! The reality is if more people don't dig deeper in their pockets to stop our wreckless use of fossil energy, our demise is certain! Sacrifices must be made to save ourselves from our own selfish use of fossil fuels.

By supporting much more good research, we can achieve great and much needed results. We have done a lot already but just a little more each year to from the anxious and stressful knowledge the end of our planet is near.

No one can deny that global warming from climate change will destroy our way of life. Watching our great country burn more each year is a tragic and preventable outcome! The watch words are ''Pay more to get more'' is good!!

Onterio, Canada December 2022!! You can run
but you can't hide from our coming demise!

But then some people don't give a shit
what Biiyden says. ''Cone on man, this
is Texas, not some shithole out East!''

(Watch the video)

(To save ourselves, always vote democraaat!)

Austin, Texas December 2022!! Hell has no
fury like a warming planet!!

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