Monday, December 05, 2022

Ol' Joe Starts His Newest Career : Adult Low Budget Movies!

 Joe knows where the money is and it's entertaining those that find real life to dull or unfulfilling, so they turn to videos, movies where the villain lurks outside their small world ready to bring chaos and conflict.

What better way to turn your uneventful life into something interesting than to believe you're a victim! After all, don't most useless people (Mostly Republicans who want to take your Social Security away!) are the people that lurk outside of civil society ready to take unfair advantage of societies weakest?

Of course in this case, the known predator doesn't lurk all that much at night but goes even during the day to find a way to ply his trade on those he sees as good and easy targets! (Small is good!)

People wonder where and when he will be suddenly
at your window looking to find a way to come close.

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