Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The World Ends In 5 Years : Fools Save The Planet!!

Did you ever wonder just how many people that we know to be good citizens believe in the scam of climate change? If one stops and considers this, the answer that comes to mind is almost to much to contemplate the results and how it affects our personal lives and that of our families!

But hey, pay no attention to anythi9ng that might cause us to stress out, just keep voting for more brilliance from those that demand you give them everything you hold dear so they can force everyone else to do what they believe is the right soliton no matter how catastrophic the results!!

Know this, all fools end up in shallow graves!

Fools on parade!

Three or more decades to realize the $billions of tax dollars
have be wasted on a scam. And yet they are back for more and
the voters are ready to give them more.
Fools all!!

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