Friday, November 25, 2022

How Things Have Changed Over The Years! : democraaats With Power!

Who knew that life in this decade could be this corrupted in just the first 2 years. But when one considers who's in charge, it's plan to see who the criminals are and what is their motivation is! 

The agenda and ideology of the Marxist liberated democraaats is on display for all to see and understand but refuse to vote like they care enough to fix the problem. The hateful killers and the spoilers are still mostly running the show.

Their motivation is once and for all take absolute power from the people for total control of all outcomes! Understand we are close to that ultimate conclusion in our society now! The outcome of the vote in George is just the first step to our country becoming a socialist nightmare with Marxist democraaats in charge of the Senate.

Old Joe's experience over the decades as a government
 employee proves what a true criminal can accomplish
without even trying to look like he cares about doing
the right thing.

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